
Trying to Lose Weight? Change When You Eat Dinner
Diets and Different Types of Diets
Do You Really Have to Ban Dessert?
Eat a Wide Variety of Foods for a Healthy Diet
Eating the Sugar-Free Way
Emotional Eating - A Major Factor for Obesity
Exercise & Fitness
Fight Fat by Drinking Water
Food Addiction: A Craving You Can’t Seem to Control
Is Being Fat Your Fault?
Terms of Use Agreement
The Positive Approach to Weight Loss
Understanding Fats and Carbs
Weight Loss Diet
Weight Loss Surgery
What Is Your Perfect Weight?
Using the TRIM Method to Set Weight Loss Goals

Why Does Your Body Build Up Exess Fat?

Acomplia (Rimonabant)
Anaphen Hardcore
Portuguese Italian Spanish English French German


1. Overall, how satisfied are you with your sexual vitality?

5      Very satisfied

4     Usually satisfied, but not always

3     Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

2     Dissatisfied—I could use more sexual energy

1     I have a significant problem with my sexual vitality

2. How is your hair?

5     Healthy, full, and growing

4     Mostly healthy, occasional minor dandruff or oiliness

3     Dry, brittle or premature graying

2     Very dry, lifeless

1     I have a history of problem hair

3. Do your fingernails have white spots on them?

5     I have never noticed it

4     I have seen it, but rarely

3     From time to time

2     They do right now

1     Usually or always

4. How fast do your minor wounds, cuts, or burns heal?

5     Very fast, almost overnight

4     Usually quickly, in a few days

3     About average, a week or so

2     Clearly more slowly than they used to

1     Very slowly

5. How stable is your mood?

5     I am always very even tempered

4     I am usually even tempered

3     I notice I'm feeling more anxious or blue than I used to

2     I have real mood swings

1      I have real problems controlling my moods

6. Do you weigh more than you should?

5       No, and I never have

4     Not now, but I used to

3     My weight fluctuates a lot

2     I am currently overweight by more than five pounds

1     I have always had a weight problem

7. How many silver fillings do you have in your mouth?

5     None

4     1 to 2

3     3 to 4

2     More than 4

8. How many times a day do you drink coffee or

caffeinated soft drinks?

5     Never

4     One time or not at all

3     Two or three times

2     Four to seven times

1     More than seven times

9. Do you eat a lot of sweets?

5     No, and I never have

4     Not often

3     Sometimes

2     I enjoy sweets and eat them often

1     I have cravings for them and have been known to "pig out"

10. Do you use antacid medications?

5     Hardly ever

4     Sometimes

2     Fairly often 1 Every day

11. Do you have dizzy spells?

5     Never

4      Hardly ever

3     Sometimes

1      Often or severe



Weight Loss