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Weight Loss Diet

The first thing to remember is that weight loss should be gradual. A healthy diet is better for your body than going on binges of extreme low calorie diets.

Calories do count. The only way to lose weight is to take in less calories than your body needs for daily activities. This is discussed in more detail in my ebook, 9 Weeks to Weight Loss.

With increased activity (yes, exercise!), weight reduction is even easier. Your body's fitness level depends on both diet and exercise.

Cut down on calories by reducing the fat in your diet. You can reduce a lot of the fat in your diet by removing skin from chicken, choosing lighter colored fish and by broiling instead of frying your meat.

Limit your sweets. Sugar is a carbohydrate that has no nutrients at all. Try using a smaller amount of sugar or use a sugar substitute.

Eating slowly is another weight loss strategy. It takes about 20 minutes for the "I'm full" signal to reach your brain. If you eat fast, you will take in more calories than you need for that "full" feeling.

Drink lots of water. It will flush away the waste produced by weight loss. Aim for eight glasses of water a day.

A bit of pre-planning will help get your diet and fitness regime off to a good start. drugswatcher.com