
Trying to Lose Weight? Change When You Eat Dinner
Diets and Different Types of Diets
Do You Really Have to Ban Dessert?
Eat a Wide Variety of Foods for a Healthy Diet
Eating the Sugar-Free Way
Emotional Eating - A Major Factor for Obesity
Exercise & Fitness
Fight Fat by Drinking Water
Food Addiction: A Craving You Can’t Seem to Control
Is Being Fat Your Fault?
Terms of Use Agreement
The Positive Approach to Weight Loss
Understanding Fats and Carbs
Weight Loss Diet
Weight Loss Surgery
What Is Your Perfect Weight?
Using the TRIM Method to Set Weight Loss Goals

Why Does Your Body Build Up Exess Fat?

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In your analysis of your husband's eating patterns, you will probably observe several bad habits that foster his hand-to-mouth coordination. In order for him to lose weight and keep it off, he is going to have to conquer them. Breaking habits is never easy, especially ones that have lingered since childhood. Luckily for men, however, it is a bit easier for them to be programmed because they are used to being taken care of at meal time.

The person who does the food preparation and presentation will always have a harder time adjusting to new food habits because he or she is surrounded by food.

To help him break his pattern, you have to practice diplomacy. Don't demand changes, just make changes for him, but make the changes wonderful. Ease him into the new life-style, and make it better than the old.

Here is a list of common bad habits leading to weight gain. It's unusual for just one member of a family to have all these habits; probably you are as guilty as your husband. If it's hard to spot the problems, invite a friend or thin family member to observe your meals and eating patterns.


Weight Loss