1. Overall, how satisfied are you with your sexual vitality?
5 Very satisfied
4 Usually satisfied, but not always
3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
2 Dissatisfied—I could use more sexual energy
1 I have a significant problem with my sexual vitality
2. How is your hair?
5 Healthy, full, and growing
4 Mostly healthy, occasional minor dandruff or oiliness
3 Dry, brittle or premature graying
2 Very dry, lifeless
1 I have a history of problem hair
3. Do your fingernails have white spots on them?
5 I have never noticed it
4 I have seen it, but rarely
3 From time to time
2 They do right now
1 Usually or always
4. How fast do your minor wounds, cuts, or burns heal?
5 Very fast, almost overnight
4 Usually quickly, in a few days
3 About average, a week or so
2 Clearly more slowly than they used to
1 Very slowly
5. How stable is your mood?
5 I am always very even tempered
4 I am usually even tempered
3 I notice I'm feeling more anxious or blue than I used to
2 I have real mood swings
1 I have real problems controlling my moods
6. Do you weigh more than you should?
5 No, and I never have
4 Not now, but I used to
3 My weight fluctuates a lot
2 I am currently overweight by more than five pounds
1 I have always had a weight problem
7. How many silver fillings do you have in your mouth?
5 None
4 1 to 2
3 3 to 4
2 More than 4
8. How many times a day do you drink coffee or
caffeinated soft drinks?
5 Never
4 One time or not at all
3 Two or three times
2 Four to seven times
1 More than seven times
9. Do you eat a lot of sweets?
5 No, and I never have
4 Not often
3 Sometimes
2 I enjoy sweets and eat them often
1 I have cravings for them and have been known to "pig out"
10. Do you use antacid medications?
5 Hardly ever
4 Sometimes
2 Fairly often 1 Every day
11. Do you have dizzy spells?
5 Never
4 Hardly ever
3 Sometimes
1 Often or severe
Weight Loss