Skip right past the fad diets, the pills and the wacky machines, and...


Transform Your Body Into
That Sleek, Sexy Form You Want,
Quickly, Safely and Easily
...In Only 9 Weeks!"


You're about to discover...


The way to go from overweight to sexy in record time

How to shock your friends senseless as you morph into what they've always wanted to be

The three things holding you back, and how to stomp them and achieve your goals


And you'll know it all in less than 10 read on.


Jude Wright
Mar 22 2008
Chino Hills, California

"Thin is Sexy --
But Healthy is Sexy Forever"


Being thin is nice, and it's typically healthier than being fat, assuming you're not too thin. But let me tell you something that the "weight loss" industry doesn't want you to know:

Thin is NOT enough!

Jim Fixx was a famous marathon runner. The guy ran more in a week than most people do in a year. And he was rail thin. But, he ate complete junk. He used to boast about eating pizza for breakfast. Then, one day when he was training, he dropped dead of a massive heart attack.

You can be thin as a rail, and dangerously unhealthy. Thin won't cut it. You need a healthy lifestyle.

Eating right is part of it. Exercise is part of it. Neither one is the complete story. But the weight loss industry wants to tell you parts of the story, and charge you ridiculous sums to get everything you need.


"Don't You Want To Look Good
And Feel Good?"


Sure, everybody does. So the simple question is, what holds you back?

If you've always wondered why weight loss seems like such a struggle for you, prepare to unravel the mystery once and for all. This could be the most important thing you ever read.

You see, the reason losing weight seems outrageously difficult (or impossible) is simple. In fact, there are only four things that hold you back. But if nobody ever explained these things to you, lifetime weight loss probably seems like black magic. Trust me, it isn't, as you're about to find out.


Subscribe to 9 Weeks Diet Tips and receive our report, Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself!

  • Information about metabolism and why it controls your weight loss
  • Putting yourself into the right mindset to lose weight
  • What foods you can eat
  • What foods you CAN’T eat
  • How to shop for the right foods
  • And much, much more!

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"Barrier #1: Ignorance"

Did you know that you've been eating poison? Maybe not literally, but close. And you can thank the time crunch of modern life.

Most working folks don't have the time to sleep enough, much less eat right. The food industry responded to the demand and has spent the last 30 years giving you quick meals, fast food, convenient snacks. That means Americans have gotten addicted to a processed food diet. Processed foods sell well because they're quick and easy. They also can kill you if you make a steady diet of them.

But weren't those nutrition labels supposed to help? Sure, but they never explain the nutrition labels!

Those labels speak in "code" language. Like most advertising, sometimes words don't mean what you think they do. If you don't know how to "decode" the nutrition labels, you really have no idea whether the stuff you're buying is "nutritious" or not.

For example, did you know that "low fat" doesn't necessarily help you? And hey, eating margarine can increase your risk of having a heart attack. Kind of a bad trade, huh?

You have to learn how to evaluate your food. For example, do you know that not all fat is bad for you? There are several different kinds, and one actually will help you lose weight and be healthier!

In a few minutes, you'll know exactly how to evaluate what you eat yourself, without help from anybody else.


"Barrier #2: Time"

Maybe if you were independently wealthy, and could hire a nanny to handle the kids, and a personal fitness expert to do your shopping, and...

Silly isn't it?

Nobody I know has that kind of money. Everybody else is stuck doing everything themselves, including you. That means you don't have the time to look perfect. The good news is, you don't need it.

Do you really WANT to be a model? Probably not. You just want your spouse to think you're sexy. You want to like what you see when you look in the mirror. And let's be honest, you want to look and feel good enough that your friends are all a little jealous!

But if you suddenly have to sprout the talent and time to shop like a nutritionist, cook like a chef and manage your life like an efficiency expert, you'll never succeed. Nobody will.

Fortunately, in just a couple minutes, you'll know how real people with real lives can be fit, healthy and as sexy as they want to be.


"Barrier #3: Discipline"

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't happen by accident. It takes some effort. But it shouldn't take an advanced degree from MIT, for crying out loud.

Human beings (and you're one of them) naturally resist doing anything that's uncomfortable. Not eating anything and everything you want whenever you want tends to be a little uncomfortable. So you cheat and break your diet.

The problem with discipline is that it's hard! It's uncomfortable. What if it weren't, though? What if you could be disciplined without even knowing it? What if you could eat great stuff all the time, and still lose weight?

You can do exactly that. Keep reading... 


"Barrier #4: Convenience"

This is the real kicker. It's really the other three barriers all rolled into one.

Learning new things and forming new habits takes time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes some effort. All of that is inconvenient. You barely have space in your life to breathe already. How the heck can losing weight fit in?

But if losing weight (or achieving any goal, for that matter) were flat-out convenient, everybody could do it. Everybody probably would.

Imagine going to bed at night and losing weight while you sleep. When you're exercising right, you will.

Imagine not having to spend five hours a day at the gym to be sexy beyond your wildest dreams. You really don't have to.

Imagine eating great meals that take only minutes to fix, and spending your "leftover" time on stuff you want to do.

If losing weight were like that, what would hold you back? Absolutely nothing. So...


"If You Could Bust Your Barriers,
You Could Look Like A Million Bucks—
And Feel Fantastic"


If you could have a comprehensive health handbook that took all the mystery out of weight loss, that showed you how to lose weight easily and safely, and that made the process almost a no-brainer, wouldn't that rock your world?

It would be like the fountain of youth and the magic "thin pill" all rolled into one, without the bad side effects or downside of the fairy tale.

What if you had a simple, quick resource to turn to that gave you all the secrets of healthy living? What if actually living healthy took only minutes a day? What if all that convenience cost you next to nothing compared to gym memberships, or "fitness plans", or "meal plans"?

Prepare to be shocked then, because you're about to find exactly what you've been looking for.


"Introducing Your
Comprehensive Health Handbook"


The next great "weight loss" plan won't get the job done.

You need a complete handbook that gives you the health education you need, and the day-to-day tools you need to save you time and let you focus on losing weight and improving your health.

If it's going to be really helpful, it has to include:

  • Basic nutrition information, so you "know the lingo"
  • An explanation of "good fat" and "bad fat", so you know how to improve your diet efficiently
  • Practical strategies for losing weight, so you can fit it into your busy life



The 9 Weeks To Weight Loss System contains all that and more. But don't take my word for it. Here's what a full-time nutritionist says about it:


Hello, Jude.

I read over a lot of your ebook and let me say, we can't stop reading it.

You covered many aspects of health from eating right to exercising. You have included logs to help the customer focus on certain issues. The recipes are great and what's really good about it, is that you have included the calories so people can choose their own recipes to suit their needs.

A wonderful, wonderful book.
Susan Rutter
Publisher, Nutritionist and Instructor

I've just had the good fortune to read Jude Wright's ebook, "9 Weeks to Weight Loss." This is a real companion book for anybody who is serious about living a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it provide healthy and delicious recipes, it also explains the basics of nutrition in a clear and understandable way. You may already understand the content but it doesn't hurt to have it set out in such a concise manner for easy reference and reinforcement.

Jude's book is compiled in an easy-to-read style with great referencing. Its 225 pages contain not only the 9 weeks food plan; there is also the added bonus of common sense information on such things as food groups, labeling, fitness and heart rates, planning and so called "diets."

The 9 Week food plan is well arranged in a diary form with a reference to each special recipe. They are contemporary in style and truly delicious. This is not a book which places rigid demands on the reader's diet. In fact, the contrary is the case. I'm certain that anyone following Jude's 9 week regime will not only feel and look well, they will also have the satisfaction of having done it themselves without pills, poppers or powders.

Well done, Jude.
Keith Food
Simple, Stylish and Fun Cooking



"You'll Probably Never
Run Out Of Tasty Recipes"

This very well could be the last "recipe book" you ever have to buy.

Don't worry about the nine-week meal plan getting old, or not being exciting after a couple months.

Your 9 Weeks To Weight Loss System includes over 150 pages of additional recipes. They're just as tasty, and just as easy to prepare as the ones in the nine-week plan. All you have to do is change swap some meals and do it again for another nine weeks!

Having all of these recipes at your fingertips, without having to think about what to cook, can last you a lifetime. You'll never have to think about what to prepare again. Just change a few things and repeat the entire plan in nine-week cycles.

"You'll Know Immediately
What It Means To Be Fit"

It's not rocket science, but most people don't know the basic information they need to know to assess their fitness level.

What should your target heart rate be when you exercise?

What level of exercise would be "too hard" and actually unhealthy for you?

How do weight loss goals factor into your fitness program?

You'll be able to answer all of these basic fitness questions after reading the first 25 pages! You don't have to be built like a bodybuilder, or look like a fitness model to be healthy. You don't need a personal trainer to exercise well. But you do need to know how to assess your fitness level yourself. You will!


"You'll Discover
The Tricks Your Mind Plays On You
To Get You To Eat When You're Not Even Hungry"

Have you ever eaten when you weren't hungry? Me too! The more important question is WHY we do that.

You see, your mind plays tricks on you. There are lots of reasons you might eat, from actual hunger to depression to boredom. Many of the reasons people eat lead to overeating, which is exactly what you want to avoid.

When you're done reading, you'll know exactly how your mind works, and exactly how to outsmart yourself and build better habits.


"You'll Know The Most
Convenient, Efficient, Inexpensive
Exercise There Is"

Walking is one of the best overall exercises there is, but it pays to be smart about it.

You certainly can lose weight and increase your fitness level if you just open your front door and start hoofing it.

But your 9 Weeks To Weight Loss goes the extra mile to teach you how to walk well, and get the most out of the time you spend doing it. You'll learn the mechanics of walking, what technique to use. You'll know how often to walk, and for how long each time. You'll even know what kind of socks to wear for maximum benefit and minimum injury.

"This Is The One Package You Need
To Finally Love Your Body—
Because It's Gonna Look Great"

If you've been confused by all the "weight loss" mumbo-jumbo out there...

If you've wondered why losing weight has always seemed so hard for you...

If you've ever thought you simply don't have the time to eat right...

Then the 9 Weeks To Weight Loss System is exactly what you need. It's all in here, in 225 jam-packed pages.

Isn't it time you stopped wishing you were healthier, and started being healthier?


"Why Is This So Cheap?"


Something this simple but powerful could cost an arm and a leg. I wouldn't feel bad about charging $97 for this kind of life-changing resource. But you won't pay that.

You'll pay only $17.77 for your 9 Weeks To Weight Loss System.

I've had my own weight loss struggles. And I got sick and tired of hearing that I had to pay boatloads of my hard-earned money to be thin and healthy. It's just not true.

I won't add to the hype by charging you $30 a month to get recipes. Instead, I'll equip you to live a healthy life on your own, instead of depending on somebody else's meal plan.

But you don't get only the handbook. You also get

"The Whole Body Health Pack"

This is your own personal weight loss and overall health library:



9 Weeks to Weight Loss - Nutrition Basics. Learn what you need to know about nutrition and how it can help you lose weight - and keep it off!






9 Weeks to Weight Loss - Menus, Recipes & Shopping Lists. A full 9 weeks (and more!) of meal plans, recipes and shopping lists to get you started on your way to weight loss success!






9 Weeks to Weight Loss - Your Guide to Fitness & Exercise. Everything you need to know about fitness and exercise is included in this special report:

• Fitness and Exercise Aerobics Cross Training Basics
• Fitness and Exercise at Home
• Fitness and Exercise Body Types
• Building Muscle


9 Weeks to Weight Loss - Workbook.

This helpful workbook takes a lot of the "work" out of the process by giving you:

  •  Goal sheets to help you plan your own weight loss progress

  • 30 pages of journal sheets to record your successes and challenges

  • Weight chart calculators, Body Mass Index (BMI) calculators and other tools

  • An Exercise Log

  • A Menu Planner for beyond the initial nine weeks

  • And More

PLUS! You'll get these eight eBooks that give you help with everything from practical ways to burn calories to sleeping better...which does wonders for your health, including... 

  • 177 Ways to Burn Calories. The Mediterranean Diet, The Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet...It’s enough to drive you straight to the grocery store for a pint of Ben and Jerry’s finest! Buring calories is part of any healthy lifestyle, but you don't necessarily have to "exercise" to do it. Here are 177 sneakty ways to Burn those Calories.
  • Get A Good Night's Sleep. Poor sleep is unhealthy. Your first steps should be to explore the causes and the different types of insomnia. You can do that in just the first two chapters.
  • Cellulite Success. What is cellulite? Is it affected by diet? Is it yours forever? How do you get rid of it? It's not as hard as you think.
  • Fast Food Weight Loss. Is eating at McDonald's the new path to weight loss? It can be if you the "secrets" to doing it right.
  • The Psychology of Weight Loss. Being aware of how your brain works can transform your own mind into your greatest fitness ally.
  • Fish Recipes. A full 40 pages of fish and shellfish recipes, PLUS some interesting info on fish used in cooking.
  • Vinegar For Your Health. In today's society of "miracle medicine", we often overlook thing that have been around for vinegar!
  • Stop Your Depression. Depression is a huge cause of overeating and obestiy. Finally, a retired clinical counselor reveals the secrets successful psychiatrists and psychologist don't want you to know.
This library is yours absolutely free, as my way of helping you make a positive change in your life.


"Get The Kind Of Body You Want"


It takes courage to take a good look at yourself and make the commitment to change. If you're reading this page, you've already made that commitment.

You CAN feel sexy and beautiful.

You don't have to be embarrassed by your weight ever again.

You can feel comfortable in your clothes, and be able to shop for regular sizes again.

Throw away unhealthy diet pills that can be dangerous to your health. 9 Weeks to Weight Loss is a natural solution to weight drugs, herbs, diet shakes or weight loss surgery needed.

Imagine the thin, healthy you.

Imagine having your spouse really think you're sexy...not just say so to be nice.

Imagine looking good in a bathing suit, and turning heads at the beach.

Imagine shocking the living daylights out of friends your haven't seen for a while.

That can be you. That should be you.

And I'm so confident that my system can make a gigantic difference in your life, that I'll back up with


Your 8-Week Money Back

If you read and study your 9 Weeks To Weight Loss System, and try your best to use it your life, but can't see a tremendous difference in your life within 8 weeks, simply let me know and I'll refund every penny you paid me.


"Here's The Entire Package"

Your 9 Weeks To Weight Loss System includes everything you need to get yourself on the road to a healthy lifestyle, and to being the sexy, thin person you've always wanted to be. Here's everything you get:

  • Your complete 9 Weeks To Weight Loss handbooks ($47 value)
  • Your Whole Body Health Pack ($157 value)

That's a total value of $204.00 for only a one-time payment of $17.77. That's a fraction of what you'd pay for a health club membership, and you have to pay only once, not every month. And it's all backed by a rock-solid 8-week guarantee.


There's no good reason for you not to be as thin and sexy as you want to be. Why not start now? And if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at my Help Desk.


P.S. Nine weeks from today you can be making your friends jealous, or you could be regretting not doing it. Take action NOW.P.P.S. The $17.77 price won't last forever. Very soon I'm going to start charging way more for something this powerful. Grab it while the low price lasts. Click on the order link above NOW!

This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.  Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”